Local coordinate transformations
World coordinate transformations
This step is required to use the frame transformations class. The content of this snippet is explained in Notebook 1.
from vod.configuration import KittiLocations
from vod.frame import FrameDataLoader
kitti_locations = KittiLocations(root_dir="view_of_delft_PUBLIC",
frame_data = FrameDataLoader(kitti_locations=kitti_locations,
As mentioned in notebook 1, we recorded the output of the following sensors:
The location of these sensors with respect to the car are presented in the figure below:
This means, that each of these sensors capture information in their own coordinate system which are located with respect to each other as presented by the 3D plot below:
from vod.visualization import Visualization3D
vis_3d = Visualization3D(frame_data, origin="lidar")
vis_3d.plot.camera = [5, 5, 3] + \
[0, 0, 0] + \
[0, 0, 1]
When working with the dataset it might be necessary to transform coordinates between the different coordinate systems, for which the information for each sensor and each frame is stored in the calib
folder. The FrameTransformMatrix
class was created to aid the transformations between the mentioned coordinate systems.
from vod.frame import FrameTransformMatrix
transforms = FrameTransformMatrix(frame_data)
The class contains the homogenous transform matrices as properties, with the following convention: t_target_origin
The camera projection matrix is also available using camera_projection_matrix
There are also a number of helper functions included, which can help the transformations:
: Add description!homogeneous_transformation
:from vod.frame import homogeneous_transformation
import numpy as np
coordinate = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
print(homogeneous_transformation(coordinate, transforms.t_radar_lidar).round(2))
There are three available world transformations in the FrameTransformMatrix
The example below shows how the transform can be used, as well as how the coordinates can be plotted to an aerial map.
coordinate = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
utm_coordinates = homogeneous_transformation(coordinate, transforms.t_utm_camera).T
from pdok_wms_request import AerialMapRetriever, CoordTransformer
from pyproj import Transformer, Proj
myProj = Proj(proj='utm',zone=31, ellps='WGS84', preserve_units=False)
lon, lat = myProj(utm_coordinates[0,0], utm_coordinates[1,0], inverse=True)
centre = [lon, lat]
wh_in_m = True
width = 70
height = 70
server_url = "https://service.pdok.nl/hwh/luchtfotorgb/wms/v1_0?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=Actueel_orthoHR&STYLES=&CRS=EPSG:28992"
resolution = 0.
map_retriever = AerialMapRetriever(server_url, resolution=resolution)
map_from_centre = map_retriever.get_map_from_centre(centre, width, height, resolution=resolution, wh_in_m=wh_in_m)